If I'm not serving looks, I'm reading and writing books.


A Little Update: What I'm Working On & What's Coming Next

First of all, I don’t think I’ve introduced you to my puppy, Boa. We got her last July and she’s sooo cute. We’re all obsessed with her. And she’s equally as obsessed with us, as you can see in the photo above—she never wants to leave my side. She’s my teeny shadow.

Besides getting used to life with a minuscule Maltipoo, I’m trying to create a balance between being a mom to my two-year-old twins and keeping my creativity flowing. I want to write but I also want to play with my kids. It can be a tough battle some days. Especially if I’m feeling super inspired and just want to be at my computer all day with a jug of Chamberlain cold brew and no distractions.

Fingers crossed we can get the twins into a part-time daycare soon so that I can take my laptop to Tartine and write, write, write.

And speaking of writing…

I have a new novelette on the way! It’s an easy, breezy, less than 15,000-word read. It’s tentatively called The Fashion Girl Goes Home and was inspired by a Thread I posted while trying to pack a suitcase for our Christmas trip back to Canada. (See below.) I’m beyond excited for it to be published. Currently, I’ve gotten feedback from a couple of friends and have made edits based on their suggestions. Next up will be getting a professional editor to comb through it.

My goal is to publish is this holiday season. You know, whenever Mariah Carey declares, “It’s tiiime!”

As for why it’s a novelette and not a novel? Well, like I was saying before: the struggle of working and being a mom. I don’t have a lot of time right now to dedicate towards writing a full-length novel. (Although I am working on two at the moment, one that’s essentially written and just needs editing and one that’s 30,000 words deep.)

I need a solid few chunks of uninterrupted writing during the day for that to happen. So, that’s why daycare will be helpful. One day! For now, a short & sweet Christmas story is what you’re getting. I promise, it’s worth it.

For now, you can always grab a signed copy of The Manhattan Mishap from my bookstore or wherever books are sold.


WritingMelina Morry