7 Things (Good and Bad) I've Learned Over the Past Year
Photo by Jeeval Tailor Photo.
The end of 2021 is (almost) here. Can you believe it? How is it possible that we are soon entering the third year of the pandemic? It makes no sense to my brain, which is still trying to process how great 2019 was and then… the world essentially ended.
However, just because things are a little a lot different than what we’re used to, it doesn’t mean that the year hasn’t been wonderful in other ways. And not so wonderful ways too. You can’t have the good without the bad, right?
Here are the things—both good and bad—that I’ve learned this year.
7 Things (Good & Bad) I’ve Learned this Year
Photo by Jeeval Tailor Photo.
If you can dream it, you can do it
That sounds totally cheesy but it’s true. I wrote my first “book” when I was 10 years old. Ever since then, I’ve had a dream in the back of my mind of becoming a real, published author. And guess what? This year that dream came true! Twenty years later. But better late than never, right?
It’s okay to delete people from your life
Over the pandemic, I’ve really come to see the true colours of people. Even my friends. Or ex-friends. Frenemies? Whatever. Anyone who has shown a blatant disregard for what’s happening in the world is no longer in my life. Do I feel bad about that? Kind of. But at the end of the day when someone shows you who they are, you have to believe them.
READ MORE: The 5 Deadly Sins of Being a Chick-Lit Author
Your health and safety matters
A lot of people could care less about your health. I’m pro-health, pro-safety, and most definitely pro-vaccine. And I want to surround myself with people who feel the same way. Especially while pregnant. And then, of course, when my babies are born. Nothing is worth risking their health—or mine—for.
Having kids is expensive as f*ck
My twins haven’t even arrived yet and my bank account is seriously feeling it. Cribs! Car seats! Clothes! The list goes on and on. However, I have managed to thrift the majority of my baby purchases. Value Village has been amazing for teeny tiny outfits and Facebook Marketplace is great for things like bouncers, play pens, and strollers.
READ MORE: Working While Pregnant is a Bumpy Road (No Pun Intended)
Photo by Jeeval Tailor Photo.
Doing something scary can be the best move
When I left my job in February, I was terrified. Like, what was I thinking? Leaving steady, full-time employment? (Well, actually it wasn’t totally up to me. My boss asked me to quit… but that’s another story.) However, as it turns out, it was the best move I could’ve made. I love working for myself. And focusing on things that I’m actually passionate about. Like my book!
It’s possible (and so important) to create good habits
At the beginning of the pandemic, I signed up for Alo Moves. Since then, I’ve logged over 1,065 classes! Before lockdown, I used to do yoga three times a week and go to boot camp classes twice per week. However, when quarantine started looking more and more dire, I started beginning each morning with a stretch. Nothing crazy, just a 10-30 minute yoga class. Now, I can’t imagine starting my day without it.
READ MORE: The Biggest Inspiration Behind My Novel, The Manhattan Mishap
Surrounding yourself with likeminded people is essential
One of the most important things I’ve learned is to surround myself with likeminded people. You have to. People who think like you and have the same drive and ambition as you are invaluable. They help lift you up. They encourage you to go after your dreams. And who wouldn’t want friends like that? No more toxic relationships! Stop hanging around with negative people just because you’ve “known them a long time” or don’t want to hurt their feelings. In the end, the person who will end up getting hurt is you.
Don’t forget to grab your copy of The Manhattan Mishap from my bookstore. If you need it for Christmas and you live in Toronto, you can select the pick up option at checkout and come get it from me. Even the same day!
Also, this will be my last blog post for the rest of the year. I’m taking time off to bake, host Christmas, and get ready for the arrival of my little babies. Happy holidays!